

特朗普(Donald Trump)瘋狂的性格眾所周知,每次都是口出狂言,完全不用管任何人,總之不論有沒有結果,說了先算,最近他在競選集會的時候,再次口出狂言:「可能我會簽署行政命令,你們不能讓他(拜登)做你們的總統。」就是說只需要他簽署行政命令,就能夠阻止拜登在美國總統大選中當選?




Executive order to stop Biden

Everyone knows Donald Trump is a crazy guy, saying everything that is unbelievable. He will never stand In other people’s shoes. No matter what the result is, say it first! Recently, he had said something crazy again, ‘You can’t have — maybe I’ll sign an executive order, you cannot have him(Joe Biden) as your president.’

My message

In fact, it is meaningless for this presidential election like this. In a football match, you never admit the result when you lose. Heads I win, tails you lose. Nevertheless, it seems this has become a norm. We always heard of a golden verse, ‘Failure is the mother of success.’ It has lost its power, we want to win no matter on games, studies, works etc. Sometimes, before we know it, we’re already on a path where there’s no turning back. For example, you want to win in a game so you put all your money into it. Is it worth it?

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